90 day rule??

“A guy can just as easily dump you if you f*ck him on the first date as he can if you wait until the tenth.” – Samantha

So what is this 90 day rule anyway? Are there any stats available on whether it’s full proof or not?

The thinking behind it is of course a) a one night stand expects nothing of you besides sex. b) you don’t know the person on a personal level so letting go is easy.

Getting to know someone over a couple of months allows you a peak into that persons cute ways, memorable nuances growing on you… this is definitely more difficult but certainly not impossible. If all a guy ever wanted from you was sex, that might just be all he needs and his gone.

I see it as if you are going into every relationship looking for the ONE, chances are there’ll only be ONE! Every ride can’t take you to heaven. That trip is reserved for one person! If you haven’t met the person yet, it’s not too late.

While you out there, remember that the ultimate goal is always happiness. You might not find your Mr Right, it doesn’t take away how good Mr Wrong tastes.

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